REMIX VOL.4 DNA Vase, Barcelona Design

Curated by Editor V

Mermelada Estudio signs a new edition for the REmix project (Vol. 4), created for BD Barcelona Design with the objective of giving another chance to accumulated and obsolete materials in company warehouses.

REmix Vol.4 - DNA - BD Art Editions

Old stock from bathroom accessories are now reborn, having new utility thanks to the imagination of the designers and the abilities of a master glass maker. Named DNA and as with all the REmix collections, is part of BD’s Art Editions catalogue and is a limited edition. The REmix project DNA is a whole collection of 60 unique pieces.

REmix Vol.4 - DNA - BD Art Editions
REmix Vol.4 - DNA - BD Art Editions

SHOWTIME POLTRONA Chair, BD Barcelona Design

Curated by Editor V Showtime was born as a collection for furniture designed for the home with the versatility and personality required in contract. A collection where plastic coexists with padded upholstery, the gloss of painted wood and the tradition of best ceramics. Showtime reflects, in its classicism and modernity with its contrasts which have…

REMIX VOL. 5 Shelve, Moneo Brock, BD Barcelona Design

Curated by Editor V Moneo Brock presents a new edition to the REmix project (Vol.5) created by BD Barcelona Design with the aim of REcovering, REcycling and REusing obsoletematerial that accumulates in warehouses, giving it a second chance. Belén Moneo has faced the challenge of converting old legs in stock into a limited edition of…


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